
Updates 10.26.2006

Updated assertEqualsReal to check the validity of the arguments once they have been evaluated. If both are not numbers, then an error is returned stating such. This was found during execution of unit tests at work. After the fix, a failure is now returned instead.

I have also been in contact with the group behind Eclipse DLTK (Dynamic Languages Toolkit). The Dynamic Languages Toolkit is a proposed open source project under the Eclipse Technology Project. They offer a plugin for the Tcl programming language as part of the project. I am hoping to share some of what I have done with them and perhaps we can work on this together.


Updates 10.17.2006

A page of screenshots is now available. It can be found at http://tunitplugin.googlepages.com/screenshots . More updates over the next few days.


An Official Release Page

A homepage and a release page have been created for the project. The homepage can be found at http://tunitplugin.googlepages.com/ and the release page is at http://tunitplugin.googlepages.com/release

There are currently three releases available. The first release is the TUnit plugin. TUnit is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. TUnit makes use of the t-unit package that was developed for the tcl programming language. The second release is TUnit.test. TUnit.test is a unit test suite for the TUnit plugin. And the third release is t-unit. The t-unit package provides an automated unit testing framework for the tcl programming language modeled after the 'JUnit' Java test suite. All calls are 'asserts'; such as 'assertTrue' checks for result boolean TRUE. t-unit comes with the Eclipse plugin but is available separately if the plugin is not desired.

I am currently looking to work towards a 1.0 release, but the releases are fully functional with no known bugs. Towards the end of the semester, version 1.0 will be released if no issues are open at that time.


Updates 10.13.2006

Refactored the TclNamespaceView class. For now refactoring is complete. Unless a bug comes up or a new feature is requested/added, no further refactoring is needed at this time.


Updates 10.09.2006

Refactored computeCompletionProposals to use setCompletions to resolve a major code reuse issue. Now the code exists in a single method that can be called over and over again. The last section of code involves Namespace Explorer. Hope to have this code refactored by the weekend.


Updates 10.08.2006

Finished reading The Pragmatic Programmer and began the refactoring process. The refactoring that has been done so far has involved extracting code from large methods and creating new methods. This is easy to do using Eclipse and the easiest of the refactoring strategies to follow. Expect further refactoring over the week.


Updates 10.02.2006

Currently I am taking a break from coding TUnit and reading The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. I plan on finishing the book over the next couple of days. At that time, I will continue the refactoring of TUnit, as well as continuing the work on my paper.